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Jesus House

Our Mission Statement

We exist to worship, glorify, and magnify Jesus Christ.

We desire to make disciples of Jesus Christ and equip them by the power of The Holy Spirit to proclaim The Gospel to the Tri-State and the nations.

Rojer Moore
Jesus House

Our Vision Statement

Rojer Moore


e envision seeing Jesus House and the Tri-State region as a dwelling place of His manifest presence.

We envision this region as an epicenter of cultural transformation that is driven by the prayer, “on earth as it is in heaven.”

Jesus House

Our Vision Statement

what we do

We Strive for Peaceful Life & Well-Being

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Clinton Berry
Senior Pastor

We envision seeing Jesus House and the Tri-State region as a dwelling place of His manifest presence.

We envision this region as an epicenter of cultural transformation that is driven by the prayer, “on earth as it is in heaven.”

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Jesus house

Sunday AM Worship & Word

This is our weekly church service that takes place on Sunday Mornings at 10 AM central time. We worship The Lord through music and through the preaching of The Word every Sunday, and we also regularly incorporate prayer, intercession, communion, healing ministry, baptisms, baby dedications, giving, and fellowship into our services. All of these acts and moments in His presence are holy and we desire to honor Him and follow His commands. We long to be obedient to the leading of The Holy Spirit in all facets and the flow of our services. Jesus is the agenda, and we will gladly yield to Him every time. In these gatherings our emphasis is solely on worshiping, glorifying, and magnifying Jesus Christ. We believe that the measure of a good church service is not production value or number of attendants, but whether or not The Lord is there. If Jesus is present and The Holy Spirit comes and communes with us, we are extremely thankful and know that nothing is impossible in that type of environment. We have one pure pursuit on Sunday mornings, and that is Jesus Himself!

Jesus house

Wednesday Night Discipleship Sessions/Wednesday Night "Go & Tell" Sessions

The Lord spoke to our leadership in 2022 and made it clear that we were not just to be a “Come & See” church, but that we were supposed to be a “Go & Tell” church.  In early 2023, The Lord spoke to our leadership also about how we are to highly emphasize making disciples of Jesus that are rooted deeply in Him, constantly growing into maturity.  Shortly thereafter, The Lord showed us how to implement these mandates.  Backed by two powerful portions of Scripture (The Great Commandment and The Great Commission), we desired to put the implementation strategy into action.  We decided to take a discipleship approach to our Wednesday night gatherings, naming them Discipleship Sessions.  We decided to also pair the discipleship element of Wednesday nights with “Go & Tell” Sessions, where after we have broken open The Word and gone deeply into study and prayer, we will go out into our community and evangelize the lost, pray for the sick, and meet the needs of those around us! 

Jesus house

Jesus House KIDS

Jesus House KIDS (ages 6 months-8th grade) meets every Sunday morning at 10 AM in the Jesus House KIDS building. Check-in for KIDS ministry begins at 9:35 AM. We place an extremely high emphasis on instilling the Word of God in our children. We want our kids to know that they can come to church to experience God, learn His Word, grow in their prayer lives, and know the power of His love and the power of The Holy Spirit. We strive to ensure that our kids have the highest quality of Biblical lessons. We want to maintain a safe environment for all kids where they come excited to learn and feel comfortable participating! We also periodically like to have our kids join us in our main worship service so they can experience that type of worship environment as well!

Jesus house

Jesus House YTH

Jesus House YTH (Middle School and High School students) meets every Wednesday during our 6:30 PM service in Unit 301! Students can check in to let the middle school and high school leaders know they are present that evening using the QR code on the screens pre-service or the QR code on display in the Youth area. We have tried to be very intentional about reaching both middle school and high school students right where they are at in this pivotal time of life. We have separate, age-level materials, teachings, and engaging activities for both our middle school students and high school students! We believe that God wants to mark this generation with His love and the power of The Holy Spirit. We believe our students can encounter and grow leaps and bounds in Jesus as they desire and hunger after Him. Jesus House YTH (middle school) is led by Jonathan & Nikki Billiter, and Jesus House YTH (high school) is led by Myles & Erica Miller. They are trusted, Holy-Spirit empowered people with a burning desire to see a generation on fire for God. Join us on Wednesdays and bring your students to the House!

Jesus house

Jesus House Compassion

Jesus House Compassion is the outreach ministry wing of our church.  This ministry is focused on finding needs and meeting them externally, with an emphasis on reaching those outside of the walls of our church.  Jesus said Himself to go into the highways and the hedges, and we want our city and our Tri-State region to know that we are moved with compassion for the needs around us.  Repeatedly in the Word of God, we see that Jesus was “moved with compassion” prior to healing those around Him.  This verbiage from The Word of God propelled us to name our outreach ministry as such, Jesus House Compassion.  We currently like to have specific outreaches around Thanksgiving, Christmas, etc. where we find a need in the community and do all we can to meet that need, all while sharing the reason for everything we do, because we love Jesus with all our hearts!

Jesus house

Care Ministry

Our pastor and church family love to care for one another.  When one of us is hurting, we all hurt, and when one of us rejoices, we all rejoice!  We recognize that God has created us to be a body, fitly joined together, with each member serving the other.  We know that God has empowered us all to be bold ambassadors of this gracious Gospel.  It is our desire to ensure that we are there for the family of God, during whatever life event they may be experiencing at the moment.  We visit and pray with those who are sick, those who are hurting, those who are in the hospital, those who need counsel, and those who are in prison.  We also like to visit and care for those who are going through new life experiences, such as the beautiful birth of a child!

Jesus house

The Fragrant Room

This is the prayer ministry of Jesus House. We put the utmost importance on prayer at Jesus House, and believe that everything we do starts, is sustained, and ends with prayer. We understand that nothing can be done in our church without the lifestyle of prayer. We are highly deceived if we believe that our efforts, void of prayer, will produce any fruit. Prayer changes everything! With that in mind, we pray and intercede every Sunday morning before our Worship & Word service from 9:00-9:30 AM in the Jesus House KIDS wing of the building, which is prior to the beginning of Jesus House KIDS check-in. We encourage all of the Jesus House family to be valiant people of prayer and intercession!